
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hamburg Diaries: My experiences at the Global E Health Forum

Last week I had the opportunity to visit Hamburg Germany. What I saw totally amazed me.
For starters Hamburg has more canals than Venice or Amsterdam. I did not know this and was totally amazed counting the number of canals on the way from the airport.I had met Nils Haase, a Hamburg resident on the aircraft from Dubai who had worked earlier in India and Bangladesh. And he did let me know a bit about Hamburg before we landed.

The immigration itself was very simple, No forms to fill and no questions asked just a simple hello and have a nice stay.

My Cabbie was from Afghanistan and had been settled in Germany for the last 20 Years. The Germans are very nice folks and most speak excellent English. As we travelled form the Airport to The Renaissance Hamburg I notices that the city was extremely beautiful with Fall setting in and people just beginning to get their overcoats out preparing for the long winter ahead.

Hamburg has about 24,000 Afghans my cab driver told me with almost a similar number of Persians. The dominant immigrant population is from Turkey, Kurdistan followed by the neighbouring eastern European states.

The weather was around 9 Degrees Centigrade, enough to worry a Bangalorean but not enough to fear the dilliwala inside me.

I was all set to enjoy the city as the cab pulled into the Hotel driveway.

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