
Friday, July 16, 2010

Social Media: More than just networking

'This Facebook, Twitter business, does it really work?'.I often get asked this question. Ever since Shashi Tharoor erupted on the Indian scene and captured the imagination of people with his 'Cattle Class'Twitter comments, People have found social media a great source of entertainment. A case in point being the Masand- Big B spat. But no one actually expects anything useful to come out of Facebook and Twitter.

I have been active on the social media front, for while now and would cringe anytime people would bring up this debate. But today after reading an interesting piece in news I can go back to my inquisitioners with a smirk and tell them social media does work.

Fifty Three year old Sarah Taylor,found out that out of her 336 facebook contact, one Sara Steelman actually saved here life. Taylor had kidney failure and had been waiting for a donor for a long time. In deperation she finally turned to facebook and put out here appeal for a donor. 137 respondents answered and finally in Early July Steelman was confirmed as a positive donor.

Facebook and Twitter and others in the social media bandwagon are more than networking sites, and this episode proves how.

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