
Friday, April 27, 2007

Business Quiz

This term used commonly in the restaurant business finds its origin from a term used by sailors when getting time off the ships while at port. Which term?

Despite its name, the Sherman Act was not aimed at trusts in particular, but at any form which would create a "restraint of trade". The word "antitrust" was used because the Act was initially proposed to break up a particular company. Ironically, by the time antitrust laws were finally brought to bear against the company, it was no longer using the form of a trust. Since then, the term "antitrust law" has persisted in the United States for what the rest of the world calls "competition law", even though antitrust laws are almost never used against trusts anymore. Which company are we talking about?

It’s called ASDA in UK, Seiyu in Japan and CARHCO in Central America. How do we better know this entity?

This famous businessman’s first job had been to milk the family cow, bottle the milk, deliver it to his customers and deliver newspaper before he want off to school during the depression. He went on to become a legend. Who are we talking about?

This gentleman, on Black Tuesday joined with members of the Rockefeller family and other financial giants to buy large quantities of stocks in order to demonstrate to the public their confidence in the stock market. His effort proved costly and failed to stop the market slide. In turn it spurred the financial decline of this great founder who finished his career as a manager of a bowling alley. Who??

Often known as the “Google of China”, this popular search engine derives its name from a Song Dynasty poem constructed in the ci form, written by Xin Qiji in the 12th century. Who are we talking about?

Which event was started by Larry Harvey as a result of catching his wife in bed with a good friend. it has become one ofthe most important annual event on the united states with participation from most of Silkicon valley including the Google Guys which event?
It was known as Lucas Film, Started by Ed Catmull the first project taken by was creating a precursur to Renderman known as Motion Doctor which allowed traditional cel animators to work with computer animation with minimal training. Which Firm ?

Comments, suggestions, criticisms , corrections are most welcome on the blog !!!

answers in a week!!
I would appreciate if no search engines are used for the answers.

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