
Friday, April 27, 2007

In the Beginning there was light !!

Serendipity is a scientific term often used by researchers it means 'discovery by chance'. Well it's an apt title for my blog considering almost everything that i have done in my life has been by chance, in the true spirit of scientific discovery. Lets take the quizzing aspect i was literally bull dozed into it in tenth standard by a friend of mine, well won't like to name him but he is a big time consultant with Accenture today and he filled my brain with all the mindless garbage that consultants normally do , and I guess he is good at consulting because I did exactly what he told me to do with disastrous results, we finished last. But I was bitten by the Quiz bug. It was exciting to be on stage and remember arid trivial facts about people you never care or know or want to know!!!
One example:
How do we better know Vernon Howell?

Well I knew this one it was actually this question that got me started, it was that lunatic bunch of people in Waco Texas called them selves Branch Davidians and the FBI went in to get them, there was mass slaughter and mayhem and finally everyone on the ranch ended up dead. Their leader was Vernon Howell.
The answer (one of the few questions i knew) was David Koresh. Now how do we care if the guy thought he was Jesus or that he has 10 wife’s well Draupadi for that matter had 5 husbands that’s how liberated we are. Does knowing about this Whacko from Waco make this world a better place???
But this is what drives most quizzers, the magical ability to retain arbid facts and from then on i have been hooked. Its been a long journey of sorts Columban Open in 1993 in DPS RKP colors to representing KMC at Suratkhal in 1999 finally winning the North Zone for IMT G at BT Acumen 2006.People often ask me how do i do this remember all this crazy stuff?

Well the truth is that I don’t know!! I never took to quizzing by intention; it was the guile and smooth talking by a consultant.
They say consultants make you do things that you don't really need .Maybe i was better off without quizzing who knows???Till then we can always blame serendipity!!

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