
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wimbledon, Batman and the God Particle

Switzerland is famous once again. This time not for bank accounts of corrupt world and Indian politicians or chocolates and watches or even Yash Chopra. And fortunately this time it is not even Roger Federer though some might consider him God.

The God particle- its implications on science and humanity

(Image source:
CERN plays Batman to the world’s Gotham

Scientists at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) released information on the discovery of ‘God Particle’ which might explain the origin of universe. Using a $ 10 Billion, atom smasher, Large Hadron Collider, that has been creating high-energy collisions of protons. 

 (Image source:

This is to help them understand suspected phenomena such as dark matter, antimatter and ultimately the creation of the universe billions of years ago. This has been theorized to occur as a massive explosion known as the Big Bang. (We are not talking about performance appraisal here)
(Source: CERN press release)

I cannot help but draw an analogy to Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight rising, where Batman struggles to explain the meaning of the world that exists around him. Seth Godin calls Batman as the angry superhero, who is full of his desire for revenge and searching for the genesis of his world.
For more details on CERN and its discovery please visit the CERN website

The ‘god particle’ maybe the beginning of a new war on explanations that will help us understand our world and the origin of it better.

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Wimbledon is still awaits its ‘God’

Wimbledon hopefully will look to its own version of divinity. The hope is either Federer wins adding a 17th grand slam title or Murray wins one becoming the first British citizen since Fred Perry in the 1920’s to win a grand slam.
Though the fireworks on 4th July rang out across New York harbor, the discovery in Switzerland will undoubtedly spark off debates on the Origin of Universe, the clash between ‘God’ and ‘God Particle’, Physics and Meta Physics and between Batman and Federer.

(Image source:
Spare a thought for poor India and I am not talking about the Lee- Hesh –Sania Triangular love story for the Olympics. There is an intrinsic Desi (Indian) connection to what is happening at CERN. ‘Boson’ one of the constituents of the sub atomic particles in the collider was named after Indian scientist Satyendra Nath Bose. It was Bose and his collaboration with Einstein that laid the ground work for the research taken up by CERN since the 1950’s.

To read more about SN Bose and his contribution to CERN please click here.

What is the truth? Well that god only knows and time may tell.

(With contributions from Dhruti K Krishnan, Anil Kumar Mishar, Jayashree Venugopala)

1 comment:

  1. There is a new theory to explain the composition of universe, because the existing model has flaws, and new theory is being proposed with the knowledge of these flaws in mind, am told!! (I cant refute the scientists and science twists, you see!)

    So, maybe already, God particle is past.

    Yup God only knows better :)

    /A M.S (AnonyMouS)
