
Sunday, July 11, 2010

High Network Inidividual - HNI's

Yesterday at work one of my colleagues got a call from a lady who was a relationship manager with one of the leading banks in India. He was informed much to his amusement and delight that we was a high networth individual(HNI) and he needs professional advice on how to handle his finances. He promptly gave an appointment on the same day. The lady showed up on time, Picked him up from the office, took him for coffee and even paid for the coffee. When he came back from him tryst of being an HNI, he was given a rousing reception.

The incident got me thinking what is the exact definition of an HNI? Most banks have different critria for who is an HNI. As I was pondering about the issue next day morning, I opened the newspaper and much to my suprise Economic Times carried an article called 'Wooing Men' a story of Brand Managers from the fairer sex who were doing a stellar job of selling Luxury goods to guess who HNI all over again.

Wow! I always though women had no idea what men wanted. I stood corrected when I met my wife, but I feel I had gotten lucky to have met her. But suddenly all brand managers know what HNI men want.So I guess I am safe till I become an HNI.

Which brings me back to the question who or what constitutes an HNI?

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