
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Apple and Jobs

Apple is Jobs and Jobs is Apple.

This is the reality of one the most admired companies of our times. He not only created one of the most innovative products of the 21st century but also went on to inspire an entire generation. I still remember the 1984 commercial aired at the super bowl. It was Jobs all over.

But as Jobs reaches his 53rd birthday, questions abut his health surface once again. Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003 and was cured by surgery. Five years later the same health concerns surface again. Apple stock went down from $ 88 to $ 84.72.

Now in a situation where the company's health is related to the health of the founder, it is important that the founder i.e. Jobs puts in place a succession plan. I have been an entrepreneur and most of us have the illusion of our own immortality. Jobs, though a charismatic leader is not immortal.

Talking of succession plans, the one that immediately comes to my mind is the one at GE. The process is so elaborate that it takes place over a couple of years and culminates in the now famous aircraft interview. From Reginald Jones to Jack Welch and to current incumbent Jeff Immelt, transitions are anything but smooth. But at least there is a process in place.

Steve Jobs is my personal hero and I have been inspired by him, but in order for Apple to live on beyond Jobs he needs to put in at least some semblance of a succession plan in place. After all Apple is Jobs and Jobs is Apple.


  1. nice one vikram.

    i second your opinion!

  2. Thanks Priya, I have added the commercial in case you are interested.
