
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Five crazy things that Indians do while driving

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After my earlier post on how music affects driving in my post last month

I started wondering what is some of the other thinks that we Indians do while driving, I came up with three of the craziest things that we do.

1) SMSing while driving. This is the first on the list of the cazy things that vast majority of us do while driving. This is a step crazier than talking on the phone, at I am sure testing or messaging during driving would require at least two hands at some portion of the text. It is really not recommended and if there is choice between texting and calling someone, i think calling is better.

2) Applying make up while driving- This is the creation of mostly women and some men. Many women do apply make up while driving especially in the morning. Some also use the driving time to putting finishing touches to the make up or touching up just before finishing the drive. Though elaborate make up also has been attempted the most common culprit is the lipstick.

3) Reading the newspaper while driving- This is the work of mostly men, who feel the peaceful atmosphere of the car can be put to good use to update themselves on world affairs. Though it seems harmless, the newspaper is usually spread out on front of the steering wheel and can distract the driver. Just imagine a driver upset over the Indian cricket team's performance in England, forgets to notice a driver who can cut him off, the result is so not desirable.

4) Praying- Now this one takes the cake. Some of us are so busy and out to time to pray that we decide to use the car especially the morning commute for this. I have now encountered many people doing this and though it sounds funny in the beginning, considering our driving sense and lack of discipline, this is probably required. but still is a crazy habit.

5) Changing Clothes- Yes it is crazy enough to make the list, I have seen some folks change their shirts or t-shirts while driving. I think it is a good idea that they are gaining time by not changing but not sure, why they cant just park the care and change. This one time before a new year party , my friend insisted on changing her top while driving the car, and at the same time insisted the rest of us should close our eyes. That is the only time I resorted to crazy activity no 4 I.E Praying.

but this is not an exhaustive list, I would like to hear from you if you have noticed any other crazy behavior while driving.


  1. I have seen couples who make out while driving..i dont know what kind of rush they are in..they should halt and enjoy the moment more...

  2. Changing clothes, I thought that's something we see in movies. Rest of the things are still manageable when you drive but this is very tricky...

  3. @Sumeet That was a good one, not sure how I missed that. Yes I have seent hat as well, maybe the fear of cops does not allow them to halt.

  4. @Saru trust me the one time I was in the car when this happened, I was praying very hard. I have never tried it so not sure if it is tricky or not.

  5. A visit to Delhi will open your eyes to many more that our fellow countrymen are capable of :

    - Chew betel like a cud and then send it sky rocketing out,just short of your humble feet.Another way to say 'I exist'

    - Drive or ride with half a buttock displaced to kiss the air around or..even at times to break wind :(

    - Test lung and throat capacity in synchronization, not just at fellow members on the wheel, but being tolerating the mercy devoid drive.

    - Last but not the least, eyes on anything,but the road.

  6. @the mind

    Hilarious, and having lived in Delhi all my life, I can totally relate to this, In many ways I feel we don't deserve democracy...

  7. Interesting list, amusing! Praying is the most common one that I have observed people do in local trains et al while driving to their workplaces in the mornings... other than that cutting veggies is also one that I can remember!

  8. @Arti Cutting vegetables, that is brilliant, I have heard of this but never knew that was common. Praying I have seen many times, Some folks also play the bhajans and sing along..
