
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Office -Office : Leave

I am priviledged to contribute to this blog. I usually take a sardonic view of corporate practices in my blogs under the Office:Office series. That aside I also blog on other topics such as critiquing journalism, current affairs, bizzarre travel accounts and much else.

Here is my latest post on leave.

If you ever had a boss went red when he/she saw anything more than 2 days leave approval, then you need to read this. 
A recent survey revealed that Singaporeans can't take time off from work due to professional pressures. My better half says this is true for India as well. Look around your office and you will seldom find well rested, genuinely enthusiastic, straight talking, non-bitching colleagues. The reason – No leave.  A colleague in the HR department says the company pays people for all the leave they are eligible to encash and apparently it is a very significant amount.
Not availing leave impacts physical and mental health, does not make business sense, and is not cool. Why then do bosses hate to give or take leave?
To read more visit my blog

1 comment:

  1. I think the biggest challenge with leave is that people can't digest the fact that while they are working, you are enjoying yourself on some beach.
