
Friday, March 4, 2011

Joys of Fatherhood

My life will never be the same again. It was pretty much normal about a week ago but the birth of my little princess has changed all that.

About five years ago I had co authored a paper on 'Work-Life Balance', little did I know that the birth of the child would make that paper a very relavent fact in my life.

I have always been an achievement oriented person, feeling the only way to go about things is drive them forward. But all of a sudden I feel like stopping and smelling the roses.

What has changed? I am still trying to discover that, I like spending time with the little one and she is very happy to have me around.

Does this bond between the father and daughter the root cause of the change in me? Well I am not sure. Today i am so full of questions, i guess I will find the answers in days to come and till then I will continue to smell the roses.


  1. Daddy Doc, are the roses still smelling how they are supposed to?

    Why do I smell only poop? :-(..

  2. Yes they are. This is the most beautiful phase in my life. But feel will be back to myself soon.
