
Monday, August 17, 2009

20 Cigarettes

I hate this public ban on smoking. I just don't understand how the ban on smoking would ever work especially in India. First of all India is a land of many health issues. let me give you an example, there are more deaths every year in India due to typhoid and cholera than what Swine flu could ever kill. What Dr Ramdoss the then health minister did was throw his lot with the developed nations(Read US of A)and went ahead and banned public smoking. Well first of all it was a rash ill thought of move, so apart from chasing few thousand odd terrorist groups all over India and upholding the law and order the desi police now have an interesting target the average joe smoker....

When have smokers ever troubled anyone? In my honest opinion they are the most harmless of the lot....ever heard of a smoker creating ruckus because he has had a few cigarettes too many....Unlike alcoholics...Doing lafda just because they have had a few drinks too many... I can go on for hours on this but the point is its ok to act cool and copy the west but do we even have basic de-addiction mechanisms in place? Just imagine most chemists have not even heard of nicotine chewing gums or nicotine patches. There are no national schemes to help smokers to recover and overcome their affliction.

There are many challenges that we face as a nation, and trust me public smoking is way down on the list......


  1. Hmmm... I am for the 'ban smoking in public' mission... but your points about other larger issues are valid enough.

    More than things being imposed legally... I think awareness and a sense of responsibility needs to be spread across the junta - the smokers and the non-smokers alike.

    Weaning away from habits - good or bad - cannot be forced! It needs to be self-driven - for one's own good and the good of others around!

    Quite a debate I know! :)

  2. Mate !!!

    We have huge list of problems;)

    Whats important is to make the list smaller :D

    /A M.S(AnonyMouS)

  3. I agree the list has to become shorter but unfortunately that is not the case and list looks longer today..
