
Monday, February 18, 2008

Journey of my life

If you walk in for any interview, the first question you’re almost always asked is “Tell us something about you”. Today, I feel like I’m giving an interview, and am just as nervous!

Fellow toastmasters and guests – what better place to begin than with my roots!

I was born in Kolkata, a city that has provided scholars, business tycoons and sports stars. It has been a source of great inspiration to me, the cradle for everything I am today. There I learnt to play, to study – and eventually, to earn my living. I have had the opportunity of enjoying most aspects of the city, and at least for me, it has indeed been a city of joy.

School days have been the most interesting time of my life. DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY! I remember the peaceful and comfortable school days. Roti, Kapda Makan, the basic needs were fulfilled- by other people – my parents! What more can one want? LOVE. A 12 year old boy, falling in love? Yes, that was me. That’s Shailesh Budhia.

It was the first day of class 6 when I first saw Alice. She was a cute little girl with beautiful eyes…and I was in love. On advice of one of my friends, I wrote a Love Letter to her. Straight that went to the class teacher, who reprimanded me not for the emotions in them but for the illegible hand writing. “Ek Chote Se Love Story” came to an abrupt end.

However, my story did not end in complete tragedy, since I still had my Roti, Kapda and Makan to fall back on.

Sports were an important part of my school life. I was always there to play any kind of sports during or after the school hours. As you might imagine, I was often scolded by my parents and teachers for not focusing on my studies. But sports was my passion! I actually made it to the school team. I managed to captain the school cricket team and play for the soccer team as well.

When I look at the school kids these days, I feel sorry for them. There aren’t many sports facility in the schools and even if they do, the students are more interested in video gaming and television!

After 14 wonderful years in school, I finally reached my graduation college…. St. Xaviers Kolkata… One of the best in India but one of the worst for me… Getting up at 4:00 am in the morning to reach the college before 6…before the dogs on the streets wake up!! Crazy! A minute delay and you would be greeted by the principal - “Good Afternoon, you are early for the next day”… To make matters worse, it was a boy’s college…I sometimes feel the best years of my life were wasted! Three dreaded years with my attendance dropping from 90% in the first year to 50% in the final year... however I managed to scrape through… don’t ask how.

After graduation, I chose to do an MBA. I don’t know why. I don’t know why I landed in this corporate jungle. I don’t know why I chose to do Finance. Or why I joined IMT. Life there was not easy… I remember not studying for a Marketing research quiz (class tests are called quizzes in b-schools). I ended scoring 0.5 out of 10… Then I studying very sincerely for the second quiz and my marks improved dramatically. I got 1.25 out of 10… See studying helps… I often wished I could go back to the good old school days. With Alice! After our studies, they let us loose in the corporate sector after struggling for 2 years. In management jargon, I bore the IMT “brand”…In good old days cow were branded, now we have replaced the cows. Fortunately, IMT brand has value, and I joined a great company – Tata Capital. I work in the Corporate Finance Division and am proud to be part of a Tata company.

Life so far has been a great learning experience for me. There have been good times. There have been bad times. However, it is this learning that has helped me evolve as a better person. Today, at 24 years of age, I feel my life has only begun – and I am raring to go!

Bring me my bow of burning gold

Bring me my arrows of desire

Bring me my spear! O clouds unfold!

Bring me my chariot of fire.

Mr. Toastmaster!

Shailesh Budhia
Credit Manager Andhra Pradesh
Tata Capital
(this speech was the winner at the Visions Toastmasters Club in Hyderabad)

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