
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Snap Shots from Dooms day

A snapshot from doomsday

The hour has come. And as the hour came, it left those who had the courage to witness, baffled, confused and maddened with disbelief. For, what hour is this? That which is day in theory and night in practice? That, which was previously never witnessed, but the same, that the holy books had promised and the same that science had denied. Denial. Denial is the very refuge of science. Science denies the existence of all that which it can’t explain. So, science denied. That, which we refuse to accept, we disbelieve. Disbelief, however, is by no means an instrument to prevent the inevitable. This specter, that has bid darkness to envelope humanity, and the fires of hell to smother out the green and blue hue from the place we call home, is indeed the ultimate and the inevitable.

There is pain. There is also a feeling of resignation to fate, and it’s more palpable than it ever was before. There also is pacification, albeit in very few, the very rare and the very mature. To assuage the fear of death and annihilation, we turn to the almighty. But, who do we turn to when the almighty himself unleashes death and annihilation? Among humans, those who could deliver and redeem the weak are themselves helpless beyond redemption. There is fear, pitch black, and there most definitely is pain….most excruciating.

Strength. People have different ideas of strength. There is physical strength and there is mental strength. At this moment, both are waning like never before. It’s like a race between the two. Both trying to outlast the other. Both crying out loud. Both belie their nature and their name. Both calling for intervention and protection, only for their cries to be lost among billions of other such cries. And there is definitely pain. No remorse, not yet. However, the wise are aware that there will be remorse, for judgment awaits. The noble are confident. They know they have not wronged, so the judgment shall go there way. The naïve, well, they are too naïve to look beyond the pain. The one truth, the one feeling to them now, is that there is pain.

The surface. The surface would show that all men are equal. But are they? All men are born equal. Only ‘born’ equal. For what they become from thereon, has little to do with the origin. It has more to do with the journey. Ultimately, it is the journey that decides the destination. So, the surface, obviously lies. Those who had evolved had a lesser pain to combat. Education and Upbringing makes a difference to the people that we are. More than anything else, it subdues the animal within us. It helps the human in us grow and become more prominent. This triumph of the human over the beast, invariably subdues our natural instincts, by making us feel at a sub-conscious level, that they are representative of weakness. This realization stays with us forever. Even as we die. Now, as everybody in sight and beyond was sure to be greeted warmly by the infallible sting of death, the wise and educated were trying to rationalize their pain. The multitudes, the crude, were lost in the deafening silence of their unanswered cries for help. And there was pain.

Those who died yesterday were lucky. For today, there is pain. Death is always painful. We can only speculate on the physical pain that death causes. But the psychological agony….what to say of it? It pains to see your loved ones die. It pains the dying to see their loved ones in pain. There definitely is pain. But today, pain has crossed all precedents and thresholds, and its widespread arms and ever-thirsty fangs, proclaim- “there shall be more”. Everybody dies. We can never hope to be immortal. But we can always hope for a comfortable death….silent and lucid. Most, amongst the many dying today, would have hoped for the same. To compound the physical agony, today they feel the agony of the hope of a pain-free death being brutally quashed under the cruel, unforgiving footsteps of time…or the end of time. Everything seems to be coming to an end. Except the pain…there definitely is pain.

The end. The end has arrived. We never knew how it started. The believers have always believed and the speculators have always speculated. The end, however, is neither like the belief nor like the speculations. The beginning was creation. It must have been systematic and organized. Creativity of such immeasurable level, that it sustained countless life forms for millions of years. The end also seems creative. It is systematic. It has but one goal- destruction. It is hard to judge if it is creativity thriving in anarchy, or anarchy thriving in creativity. We pass on in the knowledge of the end. We have witnessed it. But the end is so perfect that we will never be able to share this knowledge with anybody. Last night, no one had the idea that it would be such, and so soon. But it’s here. And there is pain. Most goodbyes are painful. But here, the physical agony has so brutally overpowered the pangs of separation from each other, that the goodbye has remained unsaid. Together we die, together we depart. All that is left is the lord’s mercy, hidden in his fury. For he chooses not to subject us to further horror and pain. There definitely is pain.

May we rest in peace…...

contributed by Suyash parashar


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