
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

We’re Sorry Mr Ford

Just when we thought that we had heard the last of surprises from the BCCI this one just in, Mr Graham Ford the South African who was the front runner to the unenviable position of the Coach of the Indian cricket team vacated by Mr Chappell ‘refused’ to take up the position after being chosen as the ‘one’. He sited personal and professional reasons which developed overnight something like Chappell changing batting orders.

Now Mr Shastri, who was supposed to be supporting one of the two candidates, the other being John Embury is continuing with the role,. Well if Shastri was doing such a good job why bother with a new coach. After all wasn’t he the one to go live on television saying someone has to put up his hand and be counted for? The question being asked by the ‘blue billion’ is that why not an Indian Coach?

But I am forced to raise a more fundamental question: does India need a coach or a manager?

The English Premier League is more a question of a clash of managers. More than a clash between say Arsenal and Chelsea its Jose Vs Wenger. When asked, Mr Niranjan Shah has the patented reply that the position of the coach is specialized and he needs to analyse and plan and prepare for the matches. Isn’t that what we humble managers do?

Let’s look at Manchester United; they are coached by Carlos Queiroz but all matters relating to strategy, analysis, game plan is decided by the Manager Sir Alex Ferguson. And I think this is what India needs a manager because cricket in India is just not a game it’s more than a religion. The relationship between the ‘gods’ and their devotees is a tumultuous one. Someone needs to be there when disasters like the world cup at the Caribbean strike the players.

The world of cricket is dictated by trends and innovations that come from the Oz land. India has never taken the initiative in this regard. Despite having a world class IT sector we started using an analyst only after the rest of the world had woken up to it. For once can’t we be innovative and think outside the box and call a spade a spade!!! The BCCI has failed with its selections both for players as well as coaches and its time they are held accountable.

Till then all I can say is that you’ll be sorry Mr Ford.

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